Monday, May 21, 2007

Trumpeter 1/48 Vigialnte RA-5C. I find this jet quite nice looking as far as jets go. The kitset on the other hand isn't the best. It is one of Trumpeters earlier models, and having built 5 trumpeter models now I can say they have got better as the years have gone by.
Labels: 1/48 Trumpeter Vigilante, RA-5C Vigilante

The undersides. The good thing about this model is there is a pod to be added all the way along the join underneath. The join along this part is terrible. I found this model to be quite a challenge, and something I wouldn't want to repeat.
Labels: Trumpeter 1/48 vigilante, Vigilante 1/48
This model was built from the box, except to say the numbers on the decals were changed to match that of the aircraft my boss flew. A very nice little kit to put together, however the shape is a little bit out. The main problems I can see are the shape of the nose, the way the aircraft sits and the tip tanks. However these are easily fixed.
Labels: Mb326A
Italeri 1/48 MB326A, This was called the Impala for the south african airforce. I have built this model for my boss who flew for SAAF when he lived in SA.
Labels: Impala 1/48, Italeri MB326

A rather imposing view of trumpeters 1/48 wellington III. The model was built straight from the box, it is really nicely detailed and easy to build.
Labels: 1/48 trumpeter wellington, 1/48 Wellington, Wellington 3, Wellinton III

The decals on this model were a little bright for my liking, however the friend I was building it for quite like them, so they were left alone. This model took me 10 days, to build, a total of 18 hours. It goes together really easily, but still with a great result.
Labels: 1/48 Wellington

As you can see, Trumpeter have put quite obvious geodetic construction on the wings. I guess if it was left out there would be comments saying so. I guess if you don't like it you can sand it off. This model was built straight out the box for a friend.
Labels: 1/48 trumpeter wellington, 1/48 Wellington

Trumpeter have gone to the extreme with detailing. Inside both gun turrets is really well detailed.
Labels: 1/48 Wellington, turret wellington

A nice detail Trumpeter has added. These engines take quite a bit of putting together, but as I'm sure you agree, well worth the effort
Labels: 1/48 Wellington, 1/48 Wellington engine, Trumpeter wellington
The 1/48 Trumpeter cockpit comes with photo etched seatbelts and instrument panel, and a rather clear canopy, as usual I have put future over it to gloss it up.
Labels: 1/48 trumpter cockpit, wyvern, wyvern cockpit